Is the menopause still a taboo subject?


Menopause: 2020 Study

To celebrate the launch of our new menopause range, we commissioned a survey to examine how comfortable we are talking about the menopause and some of the effects it has on our daily lives.

The 2000-person sample included both women going through the menopause as well as male partners, with some fascinating results.

Side Effects and Symptoms

An astonishing 77% of partners of women who are going or have gone through the change say their other half has become moody, with nearly 50% saying she has gone off intimacy.

And a significant 61 per cent of women say the symptoms of their hormonal changes have a massive effect on their lives and those around them.

Although, it’s hardly surprising when women fight through the symptoms of menopause including, hot flushes (59%), night sweats (51%), weight gain and slow metabolism (36%), mood swings (33%) and lower sex drive (29%). These symptoms have a huge impact on their daily lives with many admitting that they feel overheated, irritable, tired and stressed all the time.

The research shows despite these changes having a huge impact on their lives daily, shockingly a third of women feel unable to talk to their partners about dealing with their symptoms at all, and would be more likely to discuss the menopause with their friends or their doctor.

The stats show that men, on the other hand, want women to share their problems and are willing to be supportive, but often feel shut out and say they too suffer because of this.

The full results of the survey can be found here in our ‘Menopause: still a taboo subject?’ article.  


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